November 01, 2004

So as I fire up

So as I fire up a Marlboro Ultra Light 100, take a sip of my Sapphire
and Tonic (lime on the bottom) and wait for the frozen pizza to cook, I
shall list out my trusted sources for information this Election Eve:
Martini Boy, Instapundit and the Llamas.
These three will give you all the information you can possibly handle
and will be doing link dumps like you wouldn't believe. I've got the
wi-fi fired up and will be commenting as I see fit. My thoughts right
now? Well, it's obviously too early to call, but my gut tells me Bush
is going to get anywhere from 286-300. And I don't want him to get more
than that because the more he gets, the more incredulous the Democrats
will get. And where does that stick us?
Right back in legal limbo. And that is something that I could not
possibly stand.
Interesting observation of the evening (so far): the convicted felon in
my household is bouncing off the goddamn walls. As of right now, he's
honestly more into this than I am, and that's saying quite a bit. I'm
assuming his interest will wane as the night rolls on, but hey,
apparently being deprived of your civil right to vote makes this
election all the more interesting.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 06:17 PM | TrackBack
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