Most of the networks have called MN for Kerry.
Ummm, the husband begs to differ.
And I quote:
As of 12:47 am CST on this site,
there are 2,265,433 voters reported, and so far 76% of the precincts
have reported. That leaves approximately 543,000 votes left to report.
The margin for Kerry at this time is 91,381 votes. If the remaining
votes split 60/40 for Bush, the totals would be: Bush - 1,366,221 and
Kerry - 1,348,862. Judging by the other results of the outlying MN
counties, a 60/40 split in favor of Bush is very likely.
UPDATE: I don't think it's going anywhere, and I'm going to bed because I'm freaking tired.
The networks are pussies. They could have called Iowa an hour ago.
Also, Teddy Kennedy is an asshole.
Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 01:59 AM | TrackBack