November 01, 2004

God Love 'Em. China, flushed

God Love 'Em.

China, flushed with pride over its booming economy and
successful Olympic bid, will add another feather to its cap when it
plays host to the fourth annual World Toilet Summit, to kick off later
this month. "We are quickening the pace of toilet construction and the
international conference is being held at a time China has already
realized unprecedented achievements," Yu Debin, deputy director of
Beijing's Bureau of Tourism told reporters on Friday. Beijing is known
for its imperial parks and ancient temples, but along with sites like
the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace the city's toilets have gained
notoriety in their own right, known more for stink than sanitation.
Most of China's public toilets are squat-style pits with no running
water, toilet paper or hand washing facilities. Officials aim to use
the summit to help change that, with workshops on such topics as
"Toilet Management and Hygiene," "Energy-Saving Measures" and "The
Humanized Toilet."

There are times, far and few between I will admit, that I just flat-out love communism.

The absurdity of it is just too sublime to ignore.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 11:51 AM | TrackBack

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