November 01, 2004

Apparently they're not going to

Apparently they're not going to pull the plug on Arafat because Islam forbids it.

The astonishing irony of that
clause being invoked on the leader of the former PLO aside, What I'm
wondering about are the afterlife ramifications. For the average
sixteen-year-old Palestinian kid who's had the bad judgment to listen
to Hamas and has gone and blown themselves up at an Israeli checkpoint,
72 virgins are reportedly awaiting them in heaven.
What does Yassir, with all of his terrorist props but no martyrdom
credit to his name, have to look forward to when he finally dies? In
the seraglio that is heaven for Muslim men, is he going to be a rung
above the martyrs or one below? Does he get the martyrs' leftovers? Or
is there a whole flock of virgins just waiting
for Yassir to get up there? Or since he never blew himself up for Allah
mean he's not going to get screwed when he goes to heaven? One can
hope, but I'm sure there's some sort of provision the Imams are working
out for the randy old coot. Hmmmph.
Yet another example, my devoted Cake Eater readers, of what it's like
to be inside my head.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 10:17 PM | TrackBack
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