November 01, 2004

If you're going to blow

If you're going to blow $28,000 on a frickin' grilled cheese sandwich, might I suggest that you're a fucking moron?

Give me the money, you self-adulating asshat. I'll spend it better than you ever could.

Needless Markup needs me to spend money there. They're going to go broke if I don't buy some Manolos toute suite.
Seriously. I could have all those shoes and I'd still have money
leftover. What have you got in return for spending $28K? You got a goddamned grilled cheese sandwich.

If you've got that much money, perhaps you can buy yourself a clue. Until then, just give it to me to fund my shoe whoredom.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 09:39 PM | TrackBack
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