November 01, 2004

...Chuck Shumer, of all people,

...Chuck Shumer, of all people, but damn, does he have the right idea with this one.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Frustrated by deadbeat foreign diplomats, the U.S. Congress has voted to cut aid to their countries by about the sum they owe in unpaid parking tickets in the United States. At the urging of New York lawmakers, Congress tucked the measure -- to cut aid to countries next year by 110 percent of the amount their diplomats owe in parking tickets and penalties -- into the huge $388 billion spending bill lawmakers approved over the weekend. New York City, which houses the United Nations, would stand to recover about $195 million from about 200 countries, New York's senators said.
It's about time someone finally stuck it to those deadbeats.

Diplomatic immunity should not extend to parking fines.

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 02:12 PM | TrackBack
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