November 01, 2004

...with Blogger, that is. Over

...with Blogger, that is.
Over the past couple of days, I cannot tell you how many times I tried
to post only to have the Blogger servers crap out on me during
publishing. It's a bit frustrating when you're trying to write and post
stuff that's, you know, timely
only to have Blogger time out during the publishing of said posts.
Highly annoying. I realize beggars can't be choosers, but damnit, I've
about had it with this service. I cannot even begin to detail all the
times that this has happened. And not only in the past couple of days,
either. Yesterday, when I could get the post window to come up in the
first place, I would labor over a post, only to have it get stuck in
the publishing process. This, of course, does nothing to describe my
frustration and anger when a post completely disappears, which happens
often. What exactly does Blogger need to make this service run more
effectively? Are they not realizing there are issues with this? Is it a
cash-flow issue? It can't possibly be that. Google, which owns this
munificent service, has gone public in a big way: they've got more
moolah than they know what to do with. Apparently, it hasn't occurred
to them that they should---duh---be spending money on SERVERS! Arrrrgh.
Of course, all of this is moot if this post doesn't make it through.
Which it probably won't.
Jane! Get me OFF this crazy thing!

Posted by Kathy at November 1, 2004 11:55 AM | TrackBack
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