October 01, 2004

...but the husband and I

...but the husband and I are going to Phoenix next week.

We fly in on Wednesday. The 13th.

Given Steve-o's trip
to St. Louis (which we haven't been told is completely coincidental, by
the way)I'm wondering if the bar hasn't been raised and now I'll have
to go and cover the damn thing.
We're going to Phoenix because the husband's best friend is finally
getting married and the husband has been tapped for the role of Best
Man. Wednesday night is the bachelor party. Which means my evening is
free while they roam around the titty bars of the greater Phoenix
metropolitan area. So far, my options for that evening include sitting
around with the in-laws, with whom we'll be staying, or I can
drive up to Tempe, wi-fi laptop in tow, and see what is going on.
I dunno. I suppose I could always forgo the inlaws and all the debate
nonsense and go and get the bride drunk. I like Brad's choice and I
can't wait to see her. She's awesome and we hit it right off when we
were first introduced. In fact, in the past two years, we've talked
more than the husband and Brad have. (Theirs is one of those Zen
friendships: they don't have to chat with one another daily. Christ,
years can (and have) gone by with very little communication. They'll be
best friends until they cack. Whenever they get together, it's as if
absolutely no time has passed. Very, very wierd.) But where she and
Brad live is hell and gone from the inlaw's house. Tempe is closer to
the inlaw's house. In fact, it's only three suburbs away, which
translates into a half hour drive, but still...is it ultimately worth
the bother? I don't know. Very few people read this damn thing. I
suppose if I choose to do this, I could link whore the hell out of it,
but still...I'm not a native. I don't know where the media types will
be hanging out. I can make some educated guesses, but will I be right?
Or will I wind up driving all over Tempe like a tourist that night, on
a fruitless search for action? Ultimately, is it worth it? Discuss
amongst yourselves.

Posted by Kathy at October 1, 2004 01:18 PM | TrackBack
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