October 01, 2004

I can't quite figure this

I can't quite figure this cold out.
I obviously caught it in Phoenix, and it decided to hit warp speed when
the husband and I were in the Denver International Airport on our very
long layover. The flight between Denver and MSP was not fun, to put it
mildly, as the pressure changes wreaked havoc with my sinuses. On
Tuesday it was still going strong, yet by the end of the day it was on
the wane. Wednesday, I felt much better, and only wound up taking a nap
in the afternoon to deal with some resultant tiredness, but felt fine
when I got up. Yesterday, while still a little stuffy and tired, it
became apparent that I was no longer the victim who was suffering the
most: the germs had spread and I'd given it to a highly miserable
husband. By the time I bundled the husband off to bed, I thought my
cold was over and done with...
...until this morning. I'm all stuffy again and feeling wiped out. I
don't quite know what the deal was. I work from home. My contact with
the outside world has been limited to a few trips to Walgreens and the
bank. That's it. The rest of the time I was home. I couldn't possibly
have caught a new cold, although I suppose that is the most likely
scenario. Going to a drugstore is not a healthy option when your immune
system is already gasping for air, but damn...it's the same thing, all
over again. I should be done with this. Apparently not.

Posted by Kathy at October 1, 2004 12:11 PM | TrackBack
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