September 01, 2004

...what would I ask Wonkette?

...what would I ask Wonkette?

Oh, this is too damn good to pass up, so I'll provide a few.

1. Is there a perceived difference between paid bloggers and bloggers who don't receive money for their opinions? If so, whose opinions do you think carry more weight in the blogosphere?

2. Have you ever experienced blogger backlash, wherein you were piled upon for your opinions? Have you taken it, er, up your whoopsidaisy in terms of decreased traffic and linking for one particular item you wrote?

3. You were quite fascinated a few months ago with the size of, er, one of the presidential candidates', er, uhm, equipment. Did this bring in lasting readership? Or was it pretty much a quickie in terms of traffic increases?

I could go on.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 03:08 PM | TrackBack
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