September 01, 2004

Well... ...not really. Although he


really. Although he took a good whack at the gin.
After hosting the in-laws and the G'parent-in-laws on Friday night, the
husband and I took Saturday off and spent Sunday preparing ourselves
for seldom sober's arrival
at the Cake Eater Pad. Which meant that I washed the spare set of
sheets and the towels. No arduous labor was involved. Thank God. He
arrived around six-thirty and we spent the rest of the night finishing
off the leftover mashed potatoes from Friday night and drinking, of
course. I had a great time. I know the husband did, as well, because he
and Rich got to speak geek. Turns out, they're both members of the
phylla geekus extraordinarius,
so they got on well. I think they even threw some super-secret geek
gang signs at each other when they thought I wasn't looking but I could
have just been drunk at the time and was seeing things.

Anyhoo, it was nice to finally meet another blogger, and Rich, the couch is yours whenever you want it.

{published on 9/8/04 even though I wrote it on the seventh. Grrr with the Blogger!}

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 10:34 PM | TrackBack
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