One of the best parts about my new wi-fi card is that I'm no longer
limited in the amount of bandwidth I am allowed to suck up. It's great.
I can now go here and watch all the trailers I want without being
forced to sit through endless hiccups. I can even watch the "large"
version and not have it crash! Fabulous! So, watching trailers is my
new favorite past-time. Love it. Today, I saw one for this film and it set me to wondering. (You can view it here)
If Miramax, this documentary's distributor, spent oodles of time and money promoting Fahrenheit 911, well then are they going to do the same thing for---ahem---a movie that gets it right?
I'm not holding my breath, either.
Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 03:46 PM | TrackBack