September 01, 2004

I just took these

I just took these photos. That's the sidewalk in front of the Cake
Eater Pad. The nice, conservative Lutheran church across the street
loans out their drive-through entrance to student groups from Southwest
High School for fundraising car washes. We have to endure this at least
once a week during nice weather. The kids scream and holler to get
people to stop.
They also, as you can see, use sex to bring drivers into their car
wash. Now, before you say, "Hey, Kathy, lighten up. It's just kids in swimsuits. It's no big deal."
Look at the photos again. I realize they're not the best shots, but
notice where their car wash signs are placed. Notice that the young
lady in the black and red ensemble has her straps pulled off her
shoulders. Then imagine what that would look like to the
drivers on the street.
Are you getting the picture yet?
Where are these kids parents? Where are the faculty advisors? Do they
not realize that, in essence, these kids are prostituting themselves to
bring in donations? The church pastor is more interested in being
"involved in the community" than he is worrying about what sort of
reputation these kids are bringing down onto his church. He's not going
to do anything about it. He's told me as much when I've complained
about the noise these buggers make. What's really scary is that not one
of these adults seems to be worried about what could possibly happen
when teenagers---who have little or no common sense to begin with---get
out there, shake their thing, and a sexual predator drives by. And then
stops. And then makes contact. Yep. It's a pedophile's wet dream right
outside my door, and it's one that no one apparently seems to be
worried about.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 05:47 PM | TrackBack
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