September 01, 2004

The week after next, the

week after next, the Cake Eater Parents take off for their annual trip
to Florida. They take a month-long lease on a condo in Ft. Walton Beach
every October. Despite this being a family-related destination, the
parentals mainly dig the green waters and white sand of the Emerald
Coast. It's a gorgeous place. October in Ft. Walton has the benefit of
being rid of all the pesky summer vacationers as it's technically
off-season whilst still being warm enough to enjoy the beach in a
summer-like fashion. Anyway, the parentals enjoy it and I really don't
want Ivan to spoil their only vacation!
The beach there is only just coming back from Opal, which hit Ft.
Walton squarely in 1995. I can only imagine what sort of wrack and ruin
Ivan would unleash on the coast and how it would spoil their vacation.
If you can find some time today, and it's not too much trouble, could
you all join me in a moment of begging the Fates to send that damn
storm elsewhere? Or for it to dissipate entirely. Or to even downgrade
to a tropical storm. A tropical depression would be even better. My mother and
father would thank you for your kind consideration. In the meantime,
we'll be holding our breaths. And if it all turns out to be naught due
to our joined begging, my mother will probably thank you with a nifty
gift comprised of some of the shells she collected from the beach due
to the storm.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 11:16 AM | TrackBack
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