September 01, 2004

Yep. Once again, let me

Yep. Once again, let me make it clear that I am a sucker for these sorts of things. You know the drill.

Here's the deal: originally, these were in alphabetical order. The goal is to rearrange them in accordance with my preferences.

1. Bush I, Reagan, Bush II, Clinton

2. Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, George {I hate Seinfeld. Honestly couldn't care less)

3. Diet Coke, Coke, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi

4. Paul, John, George, Ringo (Because Ringo is the redheaded stepchild of The Beatles)

5. Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork (Nesmith invented MTV! Seriously.)
6. Fonzie, Richie, Ralph, Potsy 7. NKJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV (I had to
think about this one for a moment. I didn't know what these were. Then
I remembered that NIV was a version of the Bible. A Protestant
version of the Bible. All of these Bibles are Protestant Bibles. For my
fellow non-Protestants: NKJV=New King James Version; NIV=New
International Version; NASB=New American Standard Bible; NRSV=New
Revised Standard Version Bible. Personally, I don't use any of these
heretical* bibles. I use The Catholic Study Bible: New American Bible.
Which was approved by Cardinal Bernadin, who unfortunately is no longer
with us. A Catholic Bible must be approved by a bishop/cardinal/funky
hat wearing dude. This one was, and on the whole, I've found it to be a
good Bible. Although, I'm sensing the beginning of a theme with
this question.)
8. Sophia, Blanche, Rose, Dorothy (Betty White, while annoying, was
more amusing than Bea Arthur. Ugh.) 9. Superman II, Superman, Superman
III, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace 10. Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III,
Rocky IV, Rocky V {I have no idea. Have never seen any of them. Don't
really want to, either.) 11. Luke, Matthew, Mark, John (The Theme
returns. Yep. It's official. This list was devised by a Protestant. In
my humble opinion, John was a drug user. How else to explain
12. Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes (The Theme. Again. Honestly,
who reads the Bible this way---besides heretics?*---like you're
supposed to be able to pick out which ones are your favorites? Bleh.
Take the overall message and go from there, ye hereticks!*) 13. Exodus,
Genesis, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Numbers (The Theme. AGAIN. Which are
your favorites within the Pentateuch? This
is supposed to be good fun? Sr. Justina, my OT teacher, would be
laughing her ass off at these questions. That said, Exodus is always
fun to read. Great drama.)
14. Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, Superman
15. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Snow White (While I could do
without Cinderella, I like the mice in the Disney version. Bippity, Boppity, Boo
16. Chandler, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross 17. Linus, Charlie
Brown, Lucy, Peppermint Patty 18. Football, Basketball, Baseball,
Soccer (I'm going to qualify and say this is conditional on what level
we're talking about. I'm talking about amateur/college level. If this
were pro, well, it would be in a different order.) 19. McDonald’s,
Burger King, Jack in the Box, Hardees (Honestly, neither of the latter
are anywhere near where I live. No Jack. No Hardees. They're either
down south or in rural areas. I haven't eaten at a Hardees since 1993,
when I lived in Ames, Iowa)
20. Pluto, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck.
*The "heretic" business is a joke. Take it that way,
please, and don't fill my inbox with a bunch of emails about how I'm
going to hell because I'm Catholic and if only I could open my eyes
to the reality of the situation, I'd realize my mistake and switch in a
second, because I sound like I'm a really good, intelligent person, my
religious beliefs notwithstanding, that you can't possibly understand
how I continue to be duped by the Church and that I really should think
about saving my soul...
I really could do without it today, ok? It was a joke.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 08:49 AM | TrackBack
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