September 01, 2004

Yet another one. Courtesy of

Yet another one. Courtesy of Phoenix at Villains Vanquished.

1. Name 3 personal hygiene items you would not want to be on a desert isle without.

Sunscreen (it's a desert isle, right? Hot and sunny. Need at least a 15SPF or we'll have "Kathy Crustacean" to deal with. Nope. Baaaaaad.) Playtex Tampons---and no, Tampax will not do. Lubriderm.

2. Name your biggest character flaw.

Not good with criticism. I'm getting better, but I'm still apt to take things too personally.

3. Name your worst addiction.

Smoky treats. Ugh. Should quit as they're disgusting. It's too damn bad that I just flat out love tobacco.

4. Name one person in history you'd like to have been an intimate friend of.


5. What do you want your headstone to say?
I'm not a big one for statements on headstones, so I don't want it to
say anything other than my name and my birth and death dates. 6. What person of your acquaintance would you like to be more like?

My friends who have lives. That would be a good thing to have.

7. What song is your theme song, the one that would play at the intro if your life was a sitcom or drama?

Like I know.

8. If your life were a sitcom or drama, would it be a sitcom or drama, and who would play the two main leads?
A drama with humor. I would think Mary-Louise Parker would be a good
choice for moi, because reportedly we sound a lot alike---particularly
when we swear. Hmmmm. As for the husband, well, it would have to be
Russell Crowe, because he looks like the husband.
Seriously. In the past, people have stopped the husband, thinking he
was Crowe and have asked for his autograph. While the facial
characteristics aren't precisely the same, they have the same color
eyes, same color hair, same face shape, etc. And they're built exactly
the same---like a brick shithouse. Although, Russell would have to drop
about forty pounds to play him nowadays. 9. What would the sitcom or drama be called?

Precisely Measured Dosages of Insanity

10. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance without plastic surgery, what would it be?

Instantly? Well, I'd wish for just one more goddamn inch of height so I could reach the top shelves in my kitchen cupboards. Not too much to ask for, really.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 12:01 AM | TrackBack
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