September 01, 2004

Should I really give a

Should I really give a rat's ass about what Spicoli has to say about politics?

And he was quick to take a jab at the current U.S. administration when asked about parallels with the turbulent era portrayed in the film. "I think that administrations have to look at how they oppress their own people and people in other countries and understand that if they take people's hopes and dreams away, bad things can happen." Commenting on people with similar frustrations today, he said: "I guess the problem is that, statistically, there's a lot more of them today and we can be grateful to President (George W.) Bush for that."
Nope. I don't think I should.

Yeah, Sean. Your life must be really frustrating. Being paid millions of dollars to do exactly what you love to do must really bite. I don't see anyone oppressing you Sean, or are you fighting THE MAN!
for all the little people without whose support you'd be nowhere?
Whatever. You may think you seem all noble and Gregory Peck-ish
whenever you open your big fat mouth but in reality, you look like an
idiot. Do yourself---and me---a favor, eh? Shut the hell up and stop
wasting my time!

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 12:15 AM | TrackBack
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