September 01, 2004

I saw the commercial for

I saw the commercial for the new DVD boxed set of the Star Wars Trilogy
the other night and was amazed at how Lucas is lying to sell these
things. At no point in time during this commercial was it mentioned
that these were the "Special Editions" that were shown in the late
1990's, rather than the originals. There was lots of blather about
"digial remastering," but anyone who knows anything about the trilogy
and digitization (which, amazingly enough, includes me)knows this
happened with the special editions. Of course, these are the same
special editions where Lucas chose to make the trilogy "family
friendly" rather than to keep the original versions. He wanted to make
changes. These are, reportedly, the films that he wanted the first time
out, yet couldn't get because of technological problems. These changes
include Greedo shooting first and Jabba appearing as a friendly
slug-like creature. Hayden Christensen is also now in Return of the Jedi. Yep. They replaced Sebastian Shaw in
the celebration scene at the end with Hayden. And it's a convenient
situation for Lucas, too, because Shaw died earlier this year and can't
object. But if you weren't married to a Star Wars Geek like myself and
you didn't know any of this, well, you'd be screwed, wouldn't you? So,
I wonder, how many hapless shoppers are going to slap down their credit
cards for this thing, thinking they're going to get the
originals---finally!---on DVD? And how many are going to be as angry as
a pack of wet cats when they learn otherwise?
And pursuing this line of thought further---is it possible to sue Lucas for false advertising?

Just a thought. Someone has to stop this man before it's too late. Might as well be some greedy litigator.

UPDATE: 09/01/2004 For a full accounting of Lucas' treachery, go here, nod your head and say, "GODDAMN THE MAN TO HELL!"

{h/t The Llamas)

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 01:39 AM | TrackBack
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