September 01, 2004

...Roy Horn's living in looney

...Roy Horn's living in looney land.

Speaking to German broadcaster RTL, German-born Roy Horn said the tiger, called "Montecore," was trying to stop him from falling over on stage after he suffered a dizzy spell. "It was an accident. Montecore understood the signals and wanted to save me," the illusionist-animal trainer said, adding: "It was unfortunate that his teeth hit my carotid artery."
{my emphasis}

It was unfortunate
that a friggin' tiger's teeth happened to connect with his cartoid
artery. The tiger's really friendly, really. He was just trying to save Roy rather than to use him as an appetizer. Uh-huh. {insert nodding of head here}

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 02:11 PM | TrackBack
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