September 01, 2004

On both Tuesday and yesterday

On both Tuesday and yesterday the Llamabutchers
linked a couple of posts of mine. And guess what? My traffic went
through the roof.
Now, I've been linked by the Llamas before. Many times, in fact.
They've been exceedingly good to me. But I've never had anything like
the surge of traffic I've experienced the past couple of days. I would
hereby like to get some more linkage by coining the phrase
"Llamalanche" to describe this interesting phenomenon. Providing no one
else has come up with this. I'm not bothering to Google, so if I'm not
the first, well, I'll take credit where credit is not due.
See kids, I can link whore with the best of them. If I choose to. Most of the time I'm just too freakin' lazy to bother.

While not as potent as the Vodkalanche I experienced earlier this summer, the Llamalanche was almost up there, in terms of traffic, with the weekend Instalanche
I received. And the Vodkalanche was skewed because Martini Boy linked
to me and didn't post for another two or three days. Not like I put too
much credence in either: traffic increased temporarily and then weasled
its way back down to normal levels, with a few people sticking around
for what appears was the hell of it. We'll see if the Llamalanche has
staying power, unlike the Instalanche and the Vodkalanche. I've been
observing their success levels since they moved over to MT, and it
seems as if the move off Blogspot has done wonders for their
reputation. Which, of course, appears to destroy what I thought (read hoped)
was an urban myth: that unless you're paying for a domain and
bandwidth, no one will take you seriously. Now, how you could take guys
like Steve and Rob seriously, I don't know, but hey, the proof's in the
stats, baby, and apparently they're a force unto, er, themselves.
Anyway, shoving the snarkiness aside for a brief moment, congrats for
all the success, guys. You deserve it. And I get credit for the phrase
"Llamalanche." Damnit.
UPDATE: 09/01/2004 I've got CREDIT! Hot damn!


Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 01:05 PM | TrackBack
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