September 01, 2004

A few weeks ago the

A few weeks ago the husband appropriated this CD and I have to tell you, damn, I just really like George Thorogood.

As my sister pointed out when she listened to a copy we'd burned for her: "You just can't go wrong with George Thorogood."

And she's right.

I'm generally loath to pick out a certain type of music and declare it to be my favorite. I like all
types of music. I'm an MTV kid: during my formative years I was exposed
to a lot of different music and I see no reason why I should have to
choose a certain genre to be my favorite!. That said, I really
do have a soft-spot for bluesy rock and roll, and George Thorogood fits
into this category quite nicely. Besides, how can you not like a guy who plays songs like One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer, Move It On Over and Reelin' and Rockin'.
His music is fun. It's not overindulgent, whiny crap. George refuses to
take himself too seriously and that's a welcome relief. There are times
when you just want to be reminded of what rock and roll used to be
about, and George takes you to that place.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 12:49 PM | TrackBack
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