September 01, 2004

So, I'm having a few

So, I'm having a few dilemmas with this whole thing.
Shall I list them out?
Sure, we've got time to kill. Why the hell not?
1. As predicted, the husband, indeed, is thrilled. Which is making me
somewhat uncomfortable. Now, I shouldn't be uncomfortable with this. I
know. It's my husband. He's seen them before. It's just that he's so proud
that I would be doing this that I'm afraid his pride will cause him to
lose all sense of perspective and, subsequently, he will share the link
with all his gaming geek friends, pointing out exactly which set of
anonymous boobs are his wife's. {SHUDDER!} 2. Mr.H. had a good laugh
the other night about this whole thing. I assume he was mocking me. 3.
I have yet to suss out how I'm going to, erm, showcase my wares. And there will be showcasing.
This ain't gonna be some bare bones flea market, or a stand on the
street. This will be, instead, Neiman-Marcus. I just haven't a clue as
to how to achieve that ambitious goal. 4. The temptation to buy this t-shirt
for the showcasing is overwhelming. (Yes, kids. The thought that's
running through your mind is correct. Sigh.) And to use it in this
endeavor is even more tempting. Because it would be funny, particularly
given the message printed across said t-shirt. Let's face it, most
women in the blogosphere really dig Jeff's
brain. Yet, to use that particular t-shirt goes a little bit too far
toward crossing that internet stalker line we all try so hard to avoid
when it comes to Jeff. Then there's the question of favoritism. Rich gave me a "Blogs Across America" t-shirt when he visited. I don't think he'd appreciate it if I chose Goldstein over him.

On the whole, this might be more of a pain than I'd anticipated.

UPDATE: 09/01/2004 The temptation passed. This is a good thing.

UPDATE 2: Well, I'll be damned. Phoenix finally commented!

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 01:57 PM | TrackBack
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