September 01, 2004

must edit manuscript must edit

must edit manuscript
must edit manuscript
must edit manuscript
must call mom and dad and see if they drove to florida today,
hurricanes notwithstanding
must edit manuscript
must call sister and talk about her children
must figure out what to have for dinner in time to defrost needed meat
must edit manuscript
must edit manuscript
must paint toenails
must take nap as am sleepy from lunch
must edit manuscript
Question for the Day: Is it really bad to want a real life refugee
situation to clear itself up so I don't have to hack away at the
manuscript like a Colombian coke producer hacks his way through the
jungle to get to his coca factories? Yeah. I thought so too. Sigh. I
hate editing. I hate revision. Grrr. It sucks.

Posted by Kathy at September 1, 2004 01:08 PM | TrackBack

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