August 01, 2004

So, this weekend is the

So, this weekend is the big weekend. What's going on this weekend to make it so big?

Why, it's the weekend of The Walk To Cure Diabetes! of course.

In case you might not know about my nephew James, go here.
My sister informs me that James' Jaywalkers are about $500 shy of their
original goal of $3000 and she was wondering if all of you kind people
out there in the blogosphere could help to raise the much needed cash.
Some facts that might sway you into slapping down your credit card:
1. 85% of the money raised by JDRF goes toward research---not
administrative costs.
2. It's TAX DEDUCTIBLE, meaning more cashola in your wallet come next April 15th

If for no other reason do it because you know
that every time you bite into a snickers bar it's a lovely experience.
Yet, there are kids all over the world with Type I Diabetes who have
never known that wonderful pleasure simply because their bodies can't
process that sugar into energy. Share the chocolate, kids---make magic
happen and make diabetes disappear!
To get straight to the giving because you're magnanimous that way, go here. All major credit cards are accepted and no donation is too small.

Once again, in the words of Bartles and James, I thank you for your support!

UPDATE! And it's an exciting update to boot.

Thanks to the very kind Michele Catalano at A Small Victory, we've made $95.00 already today!

So, thanks to everyone who's donated. You are truly making making magic
happen! James and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts! But...
{you knew it was coming, didn't you?) ...we still have a ways to go.
Please consider giving, and if you can't (hey, budgets are tight
everywhere. we all understand.), well then sending some happy thoughts
our way on Saturday would be equally appreciated.
Thanks again and if you can, please help James make diabetes disappear!
UPDATE II. Ok, well. Hmmph. Once again, I am out of the loop as
far as information-sharing. Just got off the phone with Christi and she
said there were a few last minute mail donations that have shot them
over the $3000 goal! YAY! With today's donations added to her total,
we're currently at $3145!
Thank you everyone for being so very generous! We appreciate it. If
you're still interested in giving, we would enthusiastically welcome
your support and thank you for helping us blow the roof off of our
expectations. It's truly a great thing!
UPDATE III Another hundred dollars! $3245 total! THANK YOU!

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 10:23 PM | TrackBack
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