August 01, 2004

For the love of all

For the love of all that is good and holy, make up your friggin' mind already.
My father always used to tell us that, "It's a woman's perogative to
change her mind." This was always said in jest, but at times there was
a wee bit of frustration and desperation added in. I personally think
this was his way of making it easier to bend to the whims of his five
females. It's not like he was outnumbered---the man has four sons---or
outvoiced. He's was just going with the path of least resistance. With
this firmly in mind, I have to wonder if Al-Sadr has realized how much
he's acting like a woman with this
IwillmartyrmyselfforAllahIwantatruce" business?
I can't imagine that he'd find the comparison flattering. UPDATE: like I said--- make up your friggin' mind already

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 04:49 PM | TrackBack
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