August 01, 2004

A new blog has come

A new blog has come across my ever-shrinking radar screen, courtesy of Instapundit. Written by the Weekly Standard editor who called me out about my review of his review of Saved!, and a couple of other Weekly Standard
writers, it looks to be good. (And no, I'm not going trolling through
the archives to find that post so I can link myself. Pffft. It was
sometime in late May, early June. Go and look for yourself.)
Anyhoo, Go and check it out.
Although, I am hurt I did not recieve a link-whoring email from these
guys. I can send...what...something like five readers or so over there?
{Sniffle. Waaaah. No one likes me anymore!}

Just kidding. Yet, I suppose they'll find out that, much like Kerry and the DNC Convention, no one ever gets a lasting bounce from an Instalanche.

Although, I have to wonder, is Bill Kristol stifling dissent over at the Weekly Standard? I mean, why else
would three writers for the same magazine join forces to create a
blogspot (Gott in Himmel!)blog? Hmmmmm. Inquiring minds want to know.
Welcome to the blogosphere, guys. It's a pretty friendly place as long
as people don't bother linking you. Less controversy that way. {wink,

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 05:31 PM | TrackBack
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