August 01, 2004

So, I'm browsing through the

So, I'm browsing through the referral logs today and what to my
wandering eyes should appear...
...a hit from the That would be the United States Department
of Justice for the acronym unenlightened.
The place where Ashcroft holds his Black Masses, carves '666' into the
foreheads of unsuspecting regulatory attorneys, drinks the blood of
newborns, ritualistically sacrifices virgins, blah, blah, blah. {YAWN}
I think you get the picture. Anyway, I was more than a wee bit worried,
wondering what the hell could I have done to piss off the government,
until I realized it was Robbo o' El Llamabutchers just
checking in from his new job as a slayer of whatever/whomever he's now
going after since he quit his megabucks regulatory lawyering job.
But despite the fact he's joined the up with the Dark Lord Sauron, he's
still having problems with the Wraith Rabbits.
Apparently, Ashcroft isn't as evil as he's cracked up to be. You'd
think that by aligning himself with the dark forces, Robert wouldn't
have a rabbit problem anymore, but this isn't the case. I've told him. Does he listen? Nope.

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 11:35 PM | TrackBack

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