August 01, 2004

We got married. Holy

We got married. Holy Cow has the time flown by!
So, this is what the husband looked like ten years ago. You know, just
in case you were interested. We haven't aged too badly, it appears,
although I did think those glasses were the time. Now I see
that I looked like a dork. Before you start worrying about my
self-esteem realize that I know I was a gorgeous
dork, but still a dork nonethleless. Glasses will do that to you when
you're wearing a dress like that. It's just a fact of life.
I'm much more hip nowadays. Or so I'd like to delude myself into
thinking. I can't quite believe it's been ten years. It's only been
recently that I've started thinking in geezer-mode, which means,well, fifteen years ago it was really different....
Until you get to a certain age, you just don't have the life experience
to think in geezer mode. Then it suddenly occurs to you that you, at
age thirty-three, are now a geezer. You can think like that because
you've been married for ten years.
Not that I'd trade-in any of those ten years. Well, ok, a few of them
could go because they were godawful, but not because our marriage was
in trouble. Ok, well, that's a slight fib, but, never fear there are
benefits to geezer mode. One of them being that you can now see how
those hard times challenged you and how things are all the more sweet
now because you made it through. And things are sweet. It's all been
worth it and when I write "all" realize that there's a goodly amount of
meaning we could attach to that word that would make most people's hair
do a Don King. We've survived and we're better for it. Our marriage is
better for it. So, to the husband, happy anniversary, darling. I know
you can't believe it's been that long a period of time, either. Here's
what I propose we do to celebrate above and beyond what we've already
planned. Tonight when we sit down to dinner, we will propose a toast to
Father John (the priest who almost didn't marry us and then who kept
asking family members long after the fact if we were divorced...yet)
because we've proven him wrong. Then we'll toast to us. Because we
deserve it. Whatever happens after that, we'll take it and we'll be
grateful for it because we can make it through anything. You're still
my wonder of life. And I still am exceedingly grateful for the

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 01:54 PM | TrackBack
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