August 01, 2004

The. Compulsion. Has. Struck. AGAIN!

The. Compulsion. Has. Struck. AGAIN!

Feel free to skip on by if you so choose.

1. Your name spelled backwards. Noslen Neelhtak

2. Where were your parents born? Dad: Tarnov, NE (pop. 83) Mom: Omaha

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? The husband "downloaded" Photoshop for me. Does that count?

4. What’s your favorite restaurant? The French Laundry,
Yountville, CA. I only pray I get the opportunity to go back there some
day with the Gourmand Dining Circle. Oh, the trouble we'd get into. Mmmmmmmm.

5. Last time you swam in a pool? Last summer I could have said, "today." Now I'm having a hard time remembering.

6. Have you ever been in a school play? Yep. A villager in Fiddler on the Roof The rest of the time I was on crew.

7. How many kids do you want? Three.

8. Type of music you dislike most? Gangsta rap. And by that I
mean rap where people talk about offing other people and how damn cool
that sort of activity is. I do, however, like other forms of rap. 9. Are you registered to vote? Yessireebob.

10. Do you have cable? DirecTV baby!

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Yep. When I was fifteen and stupid.

12. Ever prank call anybody? Nope. I was the one who was prank called.

13. Ever get a parking ticket? I owned a legal courier company and knowing that lawyers always
procrastinate with getting their filings ready to go, what do you think
the answer to that question is? However, they did start getting their
acts together when I threatened to bill them for any tickets I might
receive. There's an important lesson in there somewhere, if you're
willing to look for it.
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? I'm alive, thank you ever so very much. I don't need to feel alive by trying to kill myself.

15. Farthest place you ever traveled. London.

16. Do you have a garden? Yep. Hostas and lilies. My annual fetish was cut back severely by budget limitations this year.

17. What’s your favorite comic strip? Calvin and Hobbes. Bloom County, back when it wasn't hackneyed.

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yep. Choir auditions. Enough said.

19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? late morning shower (hey, I work from home. I can shower whenever I want to blow the stink off. I'm not on a schedule.)

20. Best movie you’ve seen in the past month? Spidey 2. The Bourne Supremacy wasn't half bad, either.

21. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni and sausage.

22. Chips or popcorn? Popcorn.

23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? For day, I line my
lips with MAC "spice" lip liner then fill in the rest with their "lust"
lip gloss. For evening, Estee Lauder in "polished bronze." Lipstick is good.

24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? ????

25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Nope. But I got all
the tips on how to keep a swimsuit from crawling up your butt from a
friend who was. Vaseline has interesting uses as well.
26. Orange Juice or apple? Orange.

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? The husband. The neigborhood wine bar---Beaujo's.

28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Do Reese's peanut butter cups count as a candy bar? If not, 100,000 Grand

29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? Last fall.
There was a property tax referendum on the ballot and I voted "NO" on
behalf of the Great White Hunter landlord who already charges us a
small fortune in rent. 30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? When we were in Omaha. Then I converted about a thousand of them into tomato sauce last week.

31. Have you ever won a trophy? Nope. But I won a medal in Synchronized Swimming from the country club when I was eleven? Does that count?

32. Are you a good cook? HELL YES!

33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Yep. But my mother doesn't.

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Good God, no.

35. Sprite or 7-up? 7-up

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Sigh. Yes.
Twice. Food service in college, which was a white T-shirt and jeans,
and when I worked for Caribou. A shirt emblazoned with their logo and
jeans. As far as uniforms are concerned, neither one was too
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? An anniversary card and smoky treats.

38. Ever throw up in public? Ummmm...

39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? I've got the true love, I'll take the million bucks, please.

40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yep.

41. Ever call a 1-900 number? Nope. But I've shared a phone bill with people who have.

42. Can ex’s be friends? Not in my world they can't.

43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? The husband's Grandma Nelson. Fantastic lady. We miss her a lot.

44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? Not really. In my baby pictures you can see the sharply defined corners on my head quite well.

45. What message is on your answering machine? "You've reached
952... We're not available at the moment. Please leave your name and
number after the tone and we'll get back to you. Have a good day." Or
something like that. Recorded in my very professional phone sex voice.
Er, that didn't come out quite right... 46. What’s your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Why, Mr. Robinson, of course.

47. What was the name of your first pet? When I actually get my
first pet, I'll let you know. I'm leaning towards "Pavlov" if we ever
get a dog, because you know, payback's a bitch. 48. What is in your purse? Wallet. Cinnamon Hoof Mints. Spare
pair of glasses in case of catastrophe, along with sunglass clips. The
husband's anniversary present, his card, lipsticks, powder, and various
other female stuff that makes men go eeeeeew.

49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Not answering.

50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? My husband. More so than usual. See below.

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 03:45 PM | TrackBack
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