August 01, 2004

...and Fausta's not going to

...and Fausta's not going to take it anymore. I haven't said anything
much about the McGreevey business in NJ because I have no horse in that
race. I find it interesting how the media tried to spin it that he was
resigning because he was gay and how quickly a claim of "bullshit" was
called on it, but that's beside the point. I don't reside in NJ, and
while I have a lot of sympathy for the residents of that fair state, I
don't have much pull.
Fausta, however, would like residents to get involved. Go over to The Bad Hair Blog and
read what she has to say. Just keep scrolling. She's got the arguments
all laid out as to not only why you should want McGreevey gone toute
suite, but how to help join in and get it done. Lefties aren't the only
ones who know how to organize. If you're a blogger, link the woman.
Things are bad in the Garden State and she needs help to make it

Posted by Kathy at August 1, 2004 03:21 PM | TrackBack
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