July 01, 2004

WOOHOO! We've had a very

We've had a very generous donation of $100 toward James' Jaywalkers in
the last twenty-four hours!
{Insert happy dance here}
Thank you very much, Kitty! And just as soon as I figure it out how to
give it to you, my Gmail invite is yours! Courtesy of Rich at seldom sober we still have one Gmail invite to give away to the next person who donates $50.

For the rest of you---there's still plenty o' time to give. Read about James' battle against Type I Diabetes here and if you're one of those philanthropic souls who just LOVES to earn tax deductible donations to worthy causes, go here.

And, once again, I thank you for all of your support!

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 12:22 PM | TrackBack
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