July 01, 2004

Fausta brings up this point:

Fausta brings up this point:

However, for a more difficult choice, would it be Colin Firth as P&P's Mr. Darcy, or Alan Rickman as Col. Brandon?
Now, I will admit, I hadn't thought about this. There is something very "daddyish" about Colonel Brandon's relationship with Marianne that, I will admit freely, creeps me out a wee bit. Then I must force myself to remember that standards were different in those days, shorter life spans, etc. But still....eeeew. I became more fond of the character of Colonel Brandon when they cast Alan Rickman to play him: made him much, much more attractive in my eyes. I can deal with a relationship when the man is old enough to be a woman's father, but when I read Sense and Sensibility, I always got the impression that the good Colonel was old enough to be Marianne's grandfather. Completely wrongheaded of me, but you know how once odd ideas get into your head they stick. This one stuck. Alan made me appreciate the Colonel in a whole new way, which I was glad for because I'm a big fan of Alan. So, here is your new choice:
Colonel Brandon



I still think Darcy wins. HANDS DOWN. But hey, you might think differently.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 04:39 PM | TrackBack
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