July 01, 2004

I am back.  Omaha was

I am back.  Omaha was good.  The fam was
good.   The beer was especially good.  I would
swear that the only time I ever drink beer is when I go to Omaha. 
And 311 on Friday night was memorable.  I was there, dude!
Currently, however, I'm swilling Chardonnay and staring at
this newfangled Blogger post page and wondering what the @#$k is going
on with Blogger.   
Oh, they fix one thing and suddenly they have to get all
proactive?  What the hell is the matter with these people? 
Don't they know that we don't want them to change anything because
anyone who uses Blogspot is a technological idiot.  The reason
we're on Blogspot is because Moveable Type scares the hell out of
us.  We're dumb and easily frightened  Don't they know this??? 
Although, I must admit, I like this new business with the control-i for
italics.  Just like Microsquash Word.  This way, I now won't
come across HTML tags in the manuscript.   Because you know
I'm easily confused that way.
Hmmmm.   I don't know how this will work out, but if past
experience is any indicator, give me twenty-four hours and I'll be
fully behind these new changes.
Anyway, the husband tricked out wee bastard over the weekend and---from
what I can tell so far---it's sweet.  Hasn't crashed yet. 
Woohoo.  Which is exciting.  I thought we were back to that
horrible Era of the Arabic Enabled Windows 98.  Blogging will
resume tomorrow, once I actually have a chance to read the news and
find some Silly German stories and the usual assorted lot of crap that
goes up on this blog in place of quality content. 

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 11:26 PM | TrackBack
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