July 01, 2004

Hey, more Hizbollah leaders are

Hey, more Hizbollah leaders are
biting the dust.  
What I find interesting about that article is that it looks like they
had his obit prepared in advance.  Which is nice.  It not
only provides work for researchers, but it also means that if you're a
member of Hizbollah, your days are numbered.  They already put him
in the ground, too, and he was killed today.  The do bury people
speedily, don't they?
What's worrying is that the car bombing took place in Beirut. 
And Israel declined to comment.  Hmmmm.  {insert
eyebrows rising here}  
Are we going back to the days where Mossad had balls? 

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 01:26 PM | TrackBack
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