July 01, 2004

I've mentioned before I'm married

I've mentioned before I'm married to a member of the phylla Geekus Extraordinarius. He's a gamer. An early adopter. He spends at least twelve hours a day on the computer. At least.
He's also a Star Wars junkie. For whatever reason, these two traits
always seem to mutually intertwined. I asked him if he'd heard about this,
thinking that maybe, for once, I could tell him something new. His
reply: "People on the boards suggested that one about a year ago."
{insert shaking of head here}
Unfortunately, even though Lucasfilm took the fans' recommendation for
the title, this is no guarantee that this flick will not suck rocks.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 11:38 AM | TrackBack
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