July 01, 2004

Sheesh. Busy, but relatively boring

Busy, but relatively boring day. Didn't get anything done that I wanted
to get done---other than buying shampoo and conditioner at the mall,
but that's really here nor there. A lot of running around. Very little
accomplished in actuality. But now I can finally sit down and throw up
a few posts to keep the rabid wolves that are my audience happy. Yeah.
Right. Whatever.
We'll start off with a little meme stuff and go from there. A meme.
Yes. I'm a sucker. From you know who. Of course. It's not my fault. Honestly.

If you had your choice between this and that, what would you do?

1. Skipping and Running? Christ. Neither. Ugh. Exercise. Sweating is involved.

2. Coke or Pepsi? Diet, people. DIET. That said, Coke always and forever.

3. Rock or Hip Hop Rock? Rock and Roll. The old fashioned kind, thank you ever so much.

4. Laptop or Desktop? Wee bastard is a laptop. An ancient one with Arabic-Enabled beginnings, but it still works.

5. Cold Weather or Hot Weather? Hot weather. I am not one of
those people who lives in Minnesota because they get off on ice fishing
or hockey or snowshoeing, or cross country skiing, or just because they
really like firing up their snowblower at four a.m. to get a head
start because the weather forecast said it was going to snow until
Monday. Since it's Saturday and I can never sleep in anyway, well,
that's just what I like to do
. I live here because the husband got
a job that moved us here a while back and we've been here ever since.
If I had my way, we'd move south. 6. Swimming or Bicycling? Swimming. But I like biking, too.

7. Chocolate or Vanilla? Why choose? I know I'm supposed to
choose. That this is the whole point of this exercise, but I'm a
contrarian. That's just who I am. Don't force your artificial
constructs on me, maaaan.

8. Day or Night? Night.

9. Looks or Brains? Both, if possible. If brains aren't possible, well, a nice ass goes a long way in lieu of a brain.

10. Cable, DSL, or Dial-Up? DSL. Since 1999. If you hadn't figured it out, we're early adapters here at the Cake Eater Pad.

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 06:06 PM | TrackBack
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