July 01, 2004

Tonight, I was watching Anderson

Tonight, I was watching Anderson Cooper, as usual, whilst munching on
some delectable hamburgers the husband fixed for dinner. Much rambling
on about the Convention was going on, and as I was absorbed in eating
my accompanying potato chips, I wasn't paying too much attention.
This bit, however, turned my head in a Linda Blair sort of way.

COOPER: And welcome back. As we have seen here this week, the Democrats are making a big show of unity, celebrating togetherness, trying to project an optimistic view of the future. But some days the reality of the outside world intrudes. Today is one of those days. In Iraq, terrible violence. Four Americans killed, more than 100 Iraqis, including nearly 70, in this single sickening car bombing in Baqubah, one bomb, 70 lives. Those odds aren't good. Iraq, however, is not a word you hear mentioned much here in Boston. Case in point, Howard Dean, the man who led the charge criticizing the war during the primaries, last night, he never said the I-word in his speech. Iraq, not once. In fact, over the last two days, in 108 speeches overall, the word "Iraq" was uttered in only about 13 of them. We'll see if that changes tonight, when John Edwards addresses the gathering, and tomorrow when John Kerry does as well.
Holy Christ! Nearly SEVENTY people die---including four Americans---over sixty are wounded and Anderson uses it as a freakin' segue to the ongoing debate of whether the Dems will harp on about Iraq or not. Niiiiice. Anderson, who supposedly reads all his emails, will be getting one from me about this. Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 10:45 PM | TrackBack
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