July 01, 2004

Well, crap. In such a

Well, crap.

In such a situation it's always hard to know where to turn for guidance, but I think I've got a clue.
Bookies know everything, after all. They're the modern day Oracle at
Delphi. Don't believe me? Look at your neighborhood bookie's car the
next time you run into him or her at the coffee shop. If they're
driving anything less than a BMW, well, don't give them your money. But
if they are driving a BMW, and chances are they will, trust that they
know what they're doing. The writer used a different bookie than
paddypower, so, let's list hers as well.

The bookmakers William Hill make Clive Owen the 11/4
favourite to become the world’s favourite spy, followed by Hugh
Jackman at 3/1. They then offer 7/2 Colin Farrell, 5/1 Orlando Bloom,
7/1 Jude Law, 8/1 Christian Bale, Gerard Butler and Ewan McGregor, 12/1
Greg Wise and Jeremy Northam, 14/1 Russell Crowe and 100/1 Robbie

So, William Hill thinks it'll be Clive Owen. Paddypower sez Hugh
Hmmph. If offered a choice between the two, I'll take Owen anyday. He's
a great actor. I first became familiar with him while watching these, but Second Sight was also on Mystery one night, and I was floored by his performance. He's good.
He's got a sort of rough edge that would suit Bond very well. But Hugh
Jackman will probably get it. Because that's just my luck. Because
screaming wolfpacks of teenage girls love Hugh and make his films
successful. Exhibit A: Van Helsing,
while not a box office champ, didn't go down in the first round,
either. I like Hugh, but I have a hard time seeing him as James Bond.
So, I suppose the question of the day should be: Who should be the next
James Bond?

Posted by Kathy at July 1, 2004 12:00 AM | TrackBack
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