For a few reasons.
One, it's freaking gorgeous outside and second,I have other things to
do, namely prepare my posts for tomorrow night and Sunday. I will be
setting up camp on the lawn shortly. It's too nice here to stay inside.
Particularly after we just emerged from twenty straight days of rain.
Tomorrow night, starting at 5pm CDT, I will be live-blogging the D-Day
invasion. I've been doing my research and have been gathering my facts,
and if knowing what happened on that fateful day sixty-years ago and
precisely when
it happened interests you, you might want to check it out. It's always
been a fascination to me how this whole endeavor was planned, and now
that I've researched it, I'm amazed at how well it was planned.
It wasn't just a bunch of soldiers storming the beaches. It was an
amazing feat of logistical accuracy meant to do one thing: land nine
divisions in a twenty-four hour period into a secure Norman peninsula.
It's incredible what they achieved that day, not just in securing a
third front in Fortress Europa, but the logistics of landing that many
men and the materiel they would need to do their jobs is positively
mindboggling. There is a problem with my ambitions for tomorrow night,
though. The very much loved daughter of a very good friend of ours has
just graduated, with honors, from Notre Dame. She will be heading off
to Stanford law school in the fall and we're all very proud of her.
However, pride aside, her graduation party is tomorrow night. I don't
know why this always happens. I don't have a social life for months and
then the minute I plan something, something else also happens to pop up
at the exact same time, on the exact same day. Anyway, the solution to
this problem at the present is to adjust the time on the Blogger clock
(which you can do with this new software) and post a flurry of
information early and then pick up the liveblogging when we get back
from the party, which should be around midnight or so, if past parties
with this particular group of people is any indicator. I really don't
want to do this. If I'm live blogging
something, well, I should be blogging it live, shouldn't I? This smacks
of cheating to me. But I simply can't skip this party or take my laptop
with me and keep running away to post things. That would be rude beyond
belief. If anyone has any bright ideas on how to avoid this, or would
like to volunteer for about six hours worth of posting on the Cake
Eater's behalf, you can either leave a comment below or email me.