June 01, 2004

Seldom Sober has his Blogs

Seldom Sober has his Blogs Across America itinerary up.
I think this is a fabulous idea. If you're going to roadtrip, why not
meet some new people along the way? Particularly if you're a blogger,
because it's not like there's any shortage of verbose people who wield
their keyboard like a sword, are there? Given the massive numbers of
bloggers out there, hell, SS could conceivably be stopping every five
miles or so. So, this is a great idea and this is why I volunteered to
host him for a night. Besides, I would like to meet him. It could be a
life-enriching experience, no? And there's a good chance booze will be
involved and I always like that. But I also want to go and figure out
where Lileks lives, and I figure it would be best if I had company with
me for that. Cuts down on the psycho factor. (At least I hope it does.)
And SS is completely up for it. The only problem I have with this whole
scenario right now is that the pressure for me to be the hostess with
the mostest is on. You see, SS's last stop before hitting the Cake Eater Pad is in Colorado Springs where Martini Boy and his lovely wife live. Then he comes here.

Vodkapundit's house is gourmand central. There will be erudite
conversation over a five course meal, replete with cocktails (martinis,
of course), a few bottles of good wine, and some sort of flaming
dessert. After which, there will be more good conversation and more
booze ingested. It will probably be the night of SS's life. And I'm the
one who has to follow that. I'm going to be the rebound blogger
hostesss after Martini Boy dumps him and changes the locks. This is
what I will have to live up to. He will set the bar high and everyone
who comes after him on the itinerary will, henceforth, probably suck in
the hosting department no matter how hard we try. The pressure is on.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 11:41 AM | TrackBack
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