June 01, 2004

And so ends my D-Day

And so ends my D-Day coverage. I need to go and fix dinner now, but
before I do, I need to give credit where credit is due. This timeline
is a compilation drawn from many different sources of information about
the landings. Other people did all the real work here: I just culled
what I needed. There are some fabulous sources of information about
D-Day on the web. If you're at all interested in learning more, I would
recommend checking these sources out.
Military History Online
National D-Day Museum
Royal Air Force
The World At War
WWII British War Reenactor
US Army Center of Military

British D-Day Museum
Imperial War Museum
Encyclopedia BritannicaIf
I've forgotten to list anyone here, and you stumble across this site
and are livid that you're not credited, please email me and I'll add
your site. I culled a lot of information from a great many
sources---and, of course, some pages I moved away from and forgot to
bookmark in my enthusiasm. The blogosphere has been busy for the past
week on this subject. Go here and enjoy the rich, bloggy goodness.

UPDATE: Fausta has a link to President Reagan's speech given twenty years ago today at Pointe du Hoc.

It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea

Go and check it out. She called me "brilliant." Which, I must admit, is quite nice after all that work.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 06:02 PM | TrackBack
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