And this would be it.
DES MOINES, Iowa - A man who claimed he didn't get the taco he paid for has been charged with assault for allegedly pelting a Taco Bell clerk in the face with a chalupa. Nancy Harrison told police she was working the drive-through Thursday night when Christopher Lame, 24, ordered some food. He later came into the store, complaining he didn't get the taco he had ordered, police records say. Harrison said that when she asked for a receipt, he went back to his car and brought back the bag. Harrison said she told him the store was closing, and as she turned away, a chalupa hit her in the face near her right eye.Ah, well. A chalupa's gotta be better than a flaming hot cocoa that one my employees had winged at them once.
Get a degree and get the hell out of customer service, honey. It's just not worth the effort.
Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 03:37 PM | TrackBack