Or at least the husband does. Apparently I don't count.
Letter Page One (click on the photo so you don't have to put your readers on)
Suitable For Framing
There's absolutely nothing of particular concern for me in this letter.
It's the same 'ol, same 'ol as far as I can tell, although with less of
an alarming tone than of campaigns past. What I find interesting,
however, is that the husband and I are directly next to each other on
the voting roster. I've seen the book when we've gone to vote in the
past. I'm listed directly above him (alphabetical order. K comes before
M). We're both registered Republicans and yet he gets the solicitation letters and I don't.
Why is that, do you think?
It's not like I want
to be on the mailing list, but it makes me wonder about the grand
strategy attached to fundraising. I've tried to find a logical reason
for this. I thought perhaps the database was screwed up. Nope. Every
place we've registered to vote---in Des Moines and two different
precincts here in the Cities---said registration has resulted in phone
calls and mailings, but always to the husband, and never to me. I
thought perhaps they knew that I had registered as an independent in my
youth and had banned me for that association, but now that I know how
bad databases are in actuality, it's patently obvious that no one has
done that much work or even cares. This has been a peculiarity for the
nearly ten years that we've been married. Particularly when we lived in
Des Moines in 1996. The letters and phone calls wouldn't stop coming,
but when they came, they were always and forever for the husband. Never
for me. I've come to the conclusion that good Republican men are---in
the experience of the RNC---the ones who sign the checks that keep the
ads on the air. Do women not bother contributing money? Are we some
sort of demographic that the Republicans need not bother with, even
though we've declared that we're on their side? That cannot possibly be true. Either it's patriarchial or its demographical, but either way it's sexist as hell. Like I said above, it's not like I want
to be included on the mass mailers, but jeez people, how many potential
donors are you missing out on because you seemingly only send these
things to the person at the address with a Mr. in front of their name?
I can understand not wanting to waste money on mass-mailings to groups
of people who traditionally don't bother. That's understandable, but
come on! When you've got two people in the house who are registered
under the same party and over a ten year span one consistently gets
mail and the other doesn't, how many potential donors are you missing
out on? There have got to be more than a few. Of course all of this
makes the assumption that I'm not the only one this has happened to. I
don't know for sure. But I can't think that with the consistency of all
this that I am. It is odd, though. *(Election-Free Zone Rule is OFF for this post. Skip on by if you so choose.)