June 01, 2004

Don't you just love it

Don't you just love it when the day completely gets away from you?
Here's the recap:
1. Rise
2. Surf and drink coffee
3. Watch entire funeral
4. Make peanut butter cookies
5. Place peanut butter cookies to rest in fridge
6. Go for a walk with a slightly
batty-from-trying-to-find-venture-capital husband
7. Get home and bake cookies
8. Make Dinner
9. Slap on war paint and put on dress
10. Run to car in downpour
11. Drive to freakin' Burnsville for the niece's dance recital (she's three years old!)
12. Leave recital; drive to Eagan for pie. (Mmmmm. Pie. Lemon Meringue. Mmmmmm.)
13. Drive home.
14. Arrive home---after taking an small detour because Led Zeppelin's D'yer Ma'ker
was playing and the husband was really into percussing along with
Bonham. Ever seen a drummer pretend that his hands are his sticks, his
thighs (or whatever solid surface might be nearby) are the drums, etc.?
It's pretty damn funny. (Note to self: start pricing kits! Birthday!
Month and a half away! AIEEEE!)
I'll blog tomorrow. I promise.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 11:32 PM | TrackBack
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