June 01, 2004

Rich crossed the Rubicon. An

Rich crossed the Rubicon.

An unusual subject, I admit. We are all pigs. We operate on the most basic of animal levels. I have never seen so many men hit on a sixteen year old as I have this weekend. And why? A short dress, that's why. Is this how we operate? A lamp just took out several crystal wine glasses behind me. A sign of our times? Our gender? perhaps.
Dude, it may be true, but just like women are never supposed to admit that we're shoe whores or that we really do think there's a right answer to the question, "Does my ass look huge in this?", men are never supposed to admit that they're pigs. It's simply not done, my friend. Recommended course of action now that the cat is out of the bag? DENY EVERYTHING! SHRED THE EVIDENCE! CLAIM THAT IT WAS THE GHOST OF RICHARD NIXON WHO GOT YOU DRUNK! But for the love of all that is good and holy, take it back! Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 02:29 PM | TrackBack
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