June 01, 2004

Just wacky, I tell ya.

Just wacky, I tell ya.

Last month, an attack on contractors at the Saudi oil facility in Yanbu killed six Westerners, two of them Americans. Senior Saudi officials told the world al-Qaida terrorists were to blame and al-Qaida claimed responsibility. But tape obtained by NBC News reveals that, inside Saudi Arabia, on Saudi television, Crown Prince Abdullah told a strikingly different story about who was to blame. NBC News translated Abdullah's remarks from Arabic: “Zionism is behind it. It has become clear now. It has become clear to us. I don’t say, I mean... It is not 100 percent, but 95 percent that the Zionist hands are behind what happened.” {...}Prince Nayef, the Saudi Interior Minister said, “Al-Qaida is backed by Israel and Zionism.”

Desperation. Reeking.

To say that Zionists,
you know, those crazy Jews who think they're entitled to Israel, are
behind the murder of westerners is a bit beyond the pale. I've said
before the Saudi TV is the biggest propaganda machine since Goebbels
did his thing for Hitler, but damn. This shoots even beyond that.
Does the House of Saud actually think it's citzenry is going to buy
that? Everyone knows it's Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda even claimed
responsibility for it. But no, it's the Grand Cabal bullshit all over
again. Rather than rein in the Islamic fundies, they're claiming it was
the Jews. I think not.
El House of Saud had better get control of this situation and soon. And
a part of that is looking honestly at the problem and creating
solutions based in reality, rather than la-la-land. They're hiding
under their dishdashas. A few more attacks like this, and the western
companies will pull their employees entirely. All of them. Then there
will be nobody to run the Kingdom, because we all know how postively
worker-bee-ish rich Saudis are. Then there's really going to be a problem.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 09:04 PM | TrackBack
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