June 01, 2004

I wish that whomever is

I wish that whomever is leaking
all of the stuff about Abu Ghraib would get it over with already. It
seems to me that a few people are dishing this stuff out to the media,
one document at a time, as they arise or are made availabe to said
leakers. I don't know who these people are, I can assume a whole hell
of a lot about their motivations, but that doesn't mean I'm correct in
those assumptions.
Let me just point out a few things to whomever's leaking like a sieve:
1. If you're a republican who's frustrated with all of the neocons in
the Pentagon and wants Wolfowitz fired, etc. learn that if Bush hasn't
axed Wolfie or Rummy by now, it's not going to happen.
2. If you're a democrat who's looking to make sure this scandal stays
on the front page as long as it possibly can, you're performing a
self-defeating act. The longer it stays on the front page, the more
people are going to get bored with it and will start to blow it off. In
other words, you've had your fifteen minutes and the law of diminishing
returns has already kicked in terms of the general electorate.
3. If you're a republican who's leaking this crap in the misguided
effort to "control" the story---you ain't got control, baby. You never
had control. Give it up.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. Get it over with,
already, eh? I want the whole story, not just the tasty tidbits that
you're dribbling out. When we have the whole story we can fix what's
wrong and make motions toward getting over it.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 06:09 PM | TrackBack
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