June 01, 2004

Robert the Llamabutcher emailed

Robert the Llamabutcher emailed me earlier today, claiming he was
behind in his work and that the whole heatstroke thing had really set
him off his game last week. Could he have another day or two? he asked.
Because he wanted to make sure his essay was up to snuff.
Being the magnanimous sort that I am, I told him sure, no hassles and then
in true mercenary fashion, extracted a favor in the meantime. Since I
went for the quid pro quo in the whole deal, I don't think it would be
sporting for me to slam him for not sticking with the deadline. I'm a
fair that way. So, expect the JANE AUSTEN CAGE MATCH to take place sometime this week. Preferably Tuesday or somewhere around there. I'll let you know what's up.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 10:31 PM | TrackBack

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