June 01, 2004

Most definitely deserves another. And

Most definitely deserves another.
And as an added bonus, I shall do my best impersonation of my mother
and whip out the Catholic Guilt Trip and start swinging:
Bloggers you should really give seldom sober a bed to sleep on. I mean,
honestly, how could you not do this? Have you no compassion? All he's
asking for is a bed between Detroit and New York. Even a sofa or an air
mattress will do. He's not asking for a night at the Ritz-Carlton.
Simple shelter will do and you'll even get a t-shirt out of the deal.
{insert windy sigh of disappointment here} Honestly, you should try
harder. I know you have plenty on your plates right now, but I'm not
coming to visit, Rich
is coming to visit. You'll actually have fun. One night isn't that much
to ask for, is it? I really don't think it is. And you should be
ashamed of yourself for not offering sooner. Somebody give the poor boy a bed to sleep on between Detroit and NYC.

UPDATE: 06/01/2004 Rich would also like a bed somewhere in between the vast
wasteland of Tucson and Colorado Springs. Oops. My bad for leaving that
one out. /guilt trip.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 07:50 PM | TrackBack
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