June 01, 2004

Yep. We're changing things. What?

Yep. We're changing things.

What? You thought we'd be looking to Robert's Rules of Order
to establish the parameters for this grudge match? I think not. For two
1. I had enough of Parliamentary Procedure when I took minutes for the
Government of the Student Body at Iowa State University. All I can say
about that is thank the ever lovin' Lord I was paid for that. Toads are
better behaved than student senators. They talk less, too. it's two-thirty in the freakin' morning. I've got a class at eight. Call the freakin' question already!
2. Why on Earth would I subject myself to a set of rules that share the
same name as my competitor? Pfft. Again, I think not. I'm not a
conspiracy theorist by any means, but damn, that's just going to far
toward X-Files territory for my tastes. So, here's how it's going to
We posted our essays yesterday...you can read them here and here.
Tomorrow we'll be posting our rebuttals. And when you all get back to
your computers on Tuesday after having struggled through a long holiday
weekend soaked in beer and illuminated by the fiery forces of
gunpowder, what shall await you but a Bonus Round of two hundred and fifty words devoted to throwing a chair against Emma's head. Er. I suppose one of us will be devoted to putting Elizabeth in a head lock, but I really don't feel the need to mention it because it's not like it really matters all that much because obviously
Emma's going to lose. So, I'll be posting an additional two hundred and
fifty words about Elizabeth. Robert (who feels he's going to lose if he
doesn't get an extra shot at redeeming Emma because this was his idea)
will be posting about Emma and then it will be time for you to decide
which heroine is the champion of your hearts, your minds and (ahem) YOUR SENSE.

Posted by Kathy at June 1, 2004 10:10 PM | TrackBack
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